Medical Grade Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a type of procedure during which a substance is applied to the skin that promotes faster skin cell turnover (exfoliation or peeling).

Goals of Chemical Peeling

  • to rejuvenate the skin
  • minimize acne and acne scars
  • eliminates razor bumps
  • targets blemishes
  • lightens melasma
  • minimize wrinkles, sun damage, or fine lines
  • maintain a glowing skin

Different Types of Chemical Peels

  • superficial
  • medium
  • deep

Each peel offers different benefits and risks. People of all ethnic backgrounds can enjoy the benefits of a chemical peel so long as they are under the care of a qualified professional who knows how to select the right peel for the right patient. At our clinics, we offer a variety of the more superficial and medium medical-grade chemical peels that get results but have little to no downtime.

What happens during a chemical peel?

The procedure usually takes no more than 30 minutes. After cleansing the face or other area to be treated, a peeling agent is applied. Depending on which agent is used, it may be washed off or left on the skin. The peeling process usually begins 1-3 days after the procedure and is complete in 5-7 days. The skin may appear dry and flaky during this time. Moisturizer and sunscreen must be used regularly during the 5-7 days after the peel. The use of these products helps achieve better healing and masks the peeling process. You will be able to return to work or other activities immediately after your chemical peel. Peels can be repeated in 4-6 weeks. More than one peel may be required depending on your goals and condition.

Use of products containing retinoids, mandelic acid, and salicylic acid, as well as scrubs, microdermabrasion, and waxing should be avoided for 3 days before and for 1 week after a chemical peel.

Although results may be achieved after one treatment, a series of 3 treatments may be required depending on the peel, other treatments used, and the condition.


  • Avoid sun exposure before treatment. Sunburned skin cannot be treated.
  • Do not bleach, wax, tweeze or use depilatory creams in the treatment area for 3 days before treatment.
  • Avoid the following products & procedures at least 2 weeks before your treatment:
    • Electrolysis
    • Waxing
    • Depilatory creams
    • Laser hair removal
    • Any exfoliating products or any products that may be drying or irritating, including products containing salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin c, and prescription medications.
    • Shaving of the area to be treated
  • Discontinue use of retinoid (Retin A, Tazorac, Differin, etc) and Hydroquinone products 2 weeks before treatment.
  • If you have a history of perioral herpes, advise the office so you may begin prophylactic antiviral therapy the day before treatment.
  • Schedule your treatment at a time when minor swelling or peeling will not disrupt your social obligations.


  • Inform the provider of any changes in medical history and of all medications you are taking.
  • It is recommended that makeup not be applied the day of treatment, as it is ideal to allow the skin to stabilize and rest overnight.
  • Make sure to follow treatment protocol and post instructions.


  • Redness might be present (and last up to 24-48 hours) after the peel.
  • Use Tylenol only as needed for any soreness.
  • Swelling might occur after treatment for 3-5 days.
  • Peeling will start 3-5 days after. Do not pick or scratch at treated skin but instead keep moisturized.
  • Eat fresh pineapple to optimize healing.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or sweating for 24 hours.
  • Treat skin gently by washing with a gentle cleanser, cool water, using hands only, and pat dry no earlier than 4 hours after the peel.
  • May use cool compress after 4 hours if excessive discomfort, burning, redness, or swelling.
  • Do not pick or pull on any loosening skin. This could potentially cause hyperpigmentation.
  • Do not have any other chemical peel or medical device treatment until your clinical practitioner releases you to do so.
    • Normally, subsequent peeling treatment is one month after Lightening Peel.
    • For Rosy Peel, a follow-up peeling treatment is allowed only after 6 months of the last treatment.
  • You may resume the regular use of retinoids, alpha-hydroxy acid, beta hydroxy acid, vitamin c, or bleaching creams ONLY after the peeling process is complete.
  • Avoid sun exposure if possible and use a minimum of SPF 30 daily and every 2 hours if outdoors.
  • Apply all the products recommended with the treatment, such as calming cream, moisturizer, mild cleanser, and SPF 30-50.